Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paraty, BRAZIL

Paraty, Brazil

Paraty was used as an entry port during the slave trade.  When slavery was abolished in 1888 in Brazil, it became a ghost town overnight and was forgotten.  It was rediscovered some 75 years later and is now a Unesco World Heritage site.  There are many pousadas (inns) right inside the historic area and excellent snorkeling tours available at the pier.

These photos are part of my tour on Oceania's Regatta, a small upscale vessel visiting some of the smaller ports along the Brazilian coastline around Rio de Janeiro.  It's been an awesome three weeks with the camera.  A bit difficult to update the blog, but I will post more images on my return...  Paraty had been on my list of places I really wanted to see for a while. I was able to photograph it on two different days about a week apart.  At high tide, some streets flood near the sea.  I didn't get to see this on my first visit.  Indeed, weather and the time of day can make a huge difference in terms of photography. The reflections on the water are simply amazing!

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