Portfolio, Sessions, and Print Orders

If you'd like to see all my best shots, order prints, or download images, I am developing an online store at Zenfolio.  

Click here to open the store in a new window:  Eye of the Juggler Gift Shop

Note:  Images that are downloaded or printed are copyrighted under the "CC Creative Commons License" described below.  Other licensing is available for commercial purposes.

If you would like to license an image for commercial purposes, please inquire at info@eyeofthejuggler.com.  Commercial use of images is allowed only if expressly granted by Eye of the Juggler.  All commercial uses will incur a licensing fee.  Fees are based on:

1.  Media (print, web, television, etc.)
2.  Distribution Size (number of copies printed, viewing audience size, exposure)
3.  Length of Use (1 year, 2 years, etc.)
4.  Prominence of Display (1/4 page, 1/2 page, full page, spread, front cover, back cover, home page, interior page, etc.)

Copyright Policy

©2012 Michael Menes.  CC Creative Commons License Applies, Creative Commons-Attribution-Noncommercial-Nonderivative-Share Alike.  Others can copy, distribute, and display photographs as long as (1) photo credit is given, (2) they are not used for commercial purposes, (3) they are not substantially modified or reproduced as part of other images, and (4) they are not included in works or collections with less restrictive copyright licensing.  For other applications, contact the copyright owner.

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